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Author Interview with Drema Deòraich

We have one more author interview for you this week. I love having the chance to interview new authors and Drema is just that, a new author. Entheóphage is Drema's first published novel. She is working on her next project, The Founder's Seed trilogy, and plans to release the first book later this year. Let's get to know a little better.


Drema Deòraich


Dr. Isobel Fallon thinks she's found a treatment that will help her son and others suffering from Milani Syndrome, a rare neurological disorder. What she doesn't realize is that harvesting the source of this treatment in the only accessible place on earth it grows, a coral reef in the Nlaan Islands, is going to have consequences far beyond the disruption of the fragile ecosystem on one small reef.

CDC researcher Nadine Parker and her team are baffled. Lukas Behn’s daughter Kyndra has contracted a bizarre new virus that leaves her screaming in pain. But they can't identify any physical, biological source for that pain, not in Kyndra, nor in the dozens, then hundreds, and finally millions of children worldwide succumbing to the same virus. And no one seems to have made a connection between what's happening with the infected children and the events on a small coral reef in the South Pacific.

Eventually, Nadine has to face the unlikely truth, and the enormous implications of it. The children aren't sick, they're changing. But will anyone else believe her?


Author Name: Drema Deòraich

Author Website: I have two, one for readers ( and one for writers and spiritual thinkers (

Author’s social media links (Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

Authors Series and list of books:

My debut novel is Entheophage, a medical mystery/eco-fiction story, which was released

last October.

Isobel harvests the last pristine reef to save her son.

Luk’s 8-year-old daughter catches a virus that leaves her screaming.

When the virus strikes children worldwide, CDC investigator Nadine discovers the


The children aren’t sick. They’re changing.

Tell me a little about yourself. Where do you live, family, hobbies?

I’m a legal secretary by day. I live and work in Southeast Virginia with my husband

(The Hubenstein) and our two feline feral rescues, Fred and George. We are first-time

homeowners and are taking small steps to turn our suburban yard into a native wildlife

habitat. We learned this spring just how much work is involved when we removed the

sod and replaced it with topsoil, mulch, and Virginia native flowers and shrubs. And

that was just one corner of our yard! Whew! It’s worth it though… my favorite moments

are those spent with my love out in Nature.

What got you into writing?

I’ve been reading all my life. When I was very young, I tried my hand at crafting stories

of my own, trying to mimic the tales I’d come to love, and was immediately hooked.

But when I approached adulthood, my elders convinced me to “put away childish

dreams,” so I wrote nothing for years. When I finally picked it up again, I vowed to let

no one, not even myself, dissuade me ever again. I write because these stories fill my

head. My characters want their tales known. I love finding out where they—stories and

characters—will take me.

What’s the main thing you love and hate about writing?

Oh, I don’t think I could pick just one thing I love about writing! From the first glimmer of

an idea of writing the outline to researching and writing the first draft and fleshing it out

with feedback from beta readers, I love it all. I even enjoy the editing process. For me,

editing is like a sculptor shaving away the bits that fuzz the sculpture’s outlines,

detracting from its beauty. Only when all the extraneous fluff has been cut away can I

have a finely honed manuscript. Every step is part of the process. I can’t think of

anything about it I hate.

I will say, though, that the querying process is truly soul-sucking. That part isn’t so

fulfilling. I get why it is that way. I absolutely do. But after querying for a few years, I

decided to go indie and make this dream happen for myself.

How do you select the names of your characters?

Some are named after people who inspired them. Others come from perusing name lists

and choosing one that seems to fit the character as I see them. A surprising number of

characters come to me with names already attached. There’s no one way I pick them.

What is next on your list to write/publish?

I am hard at work now on a story that is very dear to me, one I’ve been writing for more

than a decade, and it’s finally coming to its own. The trilogy, The Founder’s Seed, is a

science fantasy tale about a civilization of humanoid unammi living on a tidally locked

world. One character, Alira, refuses to conform to her culture’s mores and finds herself

at odds with the unammi leaders… until the humans come and threaten everything, the

unammi hold dear. Alira’s nonconformity becomes both a blessing and a curse in the

aftermath, and she must find a way to make it work for the salvation of herself and her

people. I hope to publish that one later this year, with books two and three following

next year.

What is your favorite childhood book?

Oh gosh, I can’t remember that far back! It was something about an animal, no doubt.

Perhaps Black Beauty, or Old Yeller. (Yes, I’m really that old!)

Who is your favourite author, and why?

I have always loved Frank Herbert. His Dune books (even the ones written from his

notes after his death) always inspired me to go big or go home. His story concepts were

so interesting, intelligent, multilayered, and thought-provoking. Each one required that

you engage your brain before reading.

Who encouraged you the most to write?

The Hubenstein, of course. He’s my biggest cheerleader.

Are you as avid a reader as a writer?

Yes! I’m not a fast reader, but I always have my Kindle in hand or nearby, and will take

quick advantage of every spare moment to escape into a book.

What’s your favorite genre?

Speculative fiction, definitely. Doesn’t matter what flavor.

Do you listen to music when you write? If so, what type? Or can’t you stand

background noise when writing?

Music distracts me when I write. But I will sometimes play soundscapes, a rainstorm or

ocean sounds like those on, to block out surrounding sounds and


What is your writing Kryptonite?

Distractions. Like a cat demanding lap time, or the cute birds outside the window at the

feeders. Sometimes, research rabbit holes. But once I’m truly absorbed in writing a

scene, the house could fall apart around me, and I might not notice.

Tell me a secret that none of your fans know! Do you like to cook or perhaps only wear

a certain color sock!

I can neither whistle, nor carry a tune AT ALL. That doesn’t stop me from trying, often

at the top of my voice!

Tell me what your main character would say about you!

At first, because I’m human, she might call me a sh’toi. (Not a nice word.) But after she

recognized me, she’d probably say I worry too much about what others think.

How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

At present, there are three as-yet-unpublished books in the Founder’s Seed trilogy,

though all are fully drafted and awaiting edits. A fourth, Birdy, is partly written, but I’m

waiting for that character (an elderly woman who hears voices) to tell me the rest of her

story. I have big plans for further stories, down the road, that take place in the Founder’s

Seed universe. The seeds have been planted, but they need a bit more watering.

Of course, there are a number of shorter works also in the queue. Most writers could

probably say the same.

What is your motto in life?

Never give up, never surrender!

Does your family support your career as a writer?

My husband and my brother both do. Always have. The Hubenstein has told me more

than once that I can do whatever I set my mind to. He’s also read every one of my

stories so many times, he could probably quote them in his sleep. I told my brother once,

just before my debut released, that I was afraid. He said, “Good! That means you’re

stepping out of your comfort zone and stretching your wings. Fear is not an enemy. It’s

a motivator.” I’m glad I listened.

Finally, any words of advice?

A few. First, don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t write. None of us start out as top-

notch writers. It is practice, education, feedback, and active listening that help us to

hone our skills. Second, schedule time for yourself. If you burn out your battery, you’ll

have nothing left to create believable stories. And third, have fun with it! Writing is a

business, yes, but it should also be a joy. Work hard to keep that element in your

creative process.

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